Feb 29Liked by S.Y. Lee

A bit of discussion on Naked Capitalism about the astronomical costs of building transit in the US contained in All Aboard the Bureaucracy Train https://asteriskmag.com/issues/05/all-aboard-the-bureaucracy-train this is about transit and not rail. There is some mention of Japan in the article and NC comments. I posted links to your substack about JR.

Of course the situation with rail transit and both passenger and freight railroads in the US is horrendous.

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Feb 29Liked by S.Y. Lee

Good work, looking forward to seeing the rest of the series too! I like the photo of R. Reagan, as I sometimes tell my Japanese friends, R. Reagan is the president who nuked Japan for a 3rd time. Now it's a race between Taiwan and South Korea to see who gets nuked next.

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Mar 11Liked by S.Y. Lee

This was a great completion of the story of the end of JNR. I'm looking forward to more of the contemporary history of JR in the early days. I thank you for your work very much on this. You've brought a lot of light to this subject which is so rich with history in the Japanese railways to us.

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