Cost creep was not invented by the MIC, but they gave the process bones, and then built entire systems with ISO9000 documentation that have spread on how to drain the common weal and transfer it into the pockets of the 0.001% and their minions in the 1%. My gut feeling is not that the rail project did not suffer from cost creep, but that there were better ways to transfer that wealth invisibly at a higher rate of return which came into being. One of these new, better corruptions in the war in Ukraine. A train has to deliver at the end, canceling before it is completed is the best way to hide how much of the money went into pockets and not into equipment. Weapons are similar, an airplane that does not fly and can't possibly fight (F35) or aircraft carrier that can't sail are much less sensitive to the public as long as these devices are never really needed. Better yet, a real, functioning aircraft carrier is a white elephant (in an era of hypersonic missiles), and more likely to be sunk than one stuck in dry dock.

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Really well researched SY, and an awesome title! Am featuring it on tomorrow's LondonReconnections.com Monday's Friday Reads.

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Followed-up, of course ( In this country ) by the tories usual deliberate lies & obfuscation .. "promising" alternative investment & then snatching it back all of two days later, so that NO MONEY AT ALL will be spent on rail improvements

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I just watched a BBC News interview with the Transport Secretary, Mark Harper. I’m outraged, and I’m not even British!

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I suspect a lot of consulting firm and other organs of money washing have gotten paid, so I'd not say no money was spent, but rather "money was spent with no improvements in rail transport."

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