Outstandingly good article, thank you.

It seems to boil down to the Metro and the Mayor not understanding that the disabled want to be treated as people, not an inconvenience where things are patched over here and there to try to appease them. That if you are disabled, you just go and take transit like anyone else.

I am appalled that Seoul Metro thinks it is OK to just keep stair lift devices in operation which kill a disabled person every 2 or 3 years, and that that is simply the risk they must take if they want to ride the metro.

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Really enjoyed this

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Really curious, how does the SF bay area compare? I’ve seen elevators at all bart and muni stations and all buses are accessible afaik.

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Very good post. Perhaps, you can do a follow-up in october, six months after?

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J. K. Noh is a very productive Korean Political and Economics writer who has a lot of useful information on the "permanent state" in Korea, it's ties to Washington/Japan, and thus it's rather harsh colonial version of neo-liberalism, which I think drives the kind of behavior you point out.

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another outstanding post. thankful for your insight on this complicated issue.

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