Thank you for this history of SCAP’s predictably troubled history trying to serve two masters. As I read it I found myself sounding SCAP in my mind’s ear. As “escape”!

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Even though it’s another USA story would like to read your take on a photo and story. The Mississippi River is now so low that it’s possible to walk to Tower Rock in Perry County, MO south of Saint Louis.

Check out: https://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/topstories/photos-show-the-mississippi-river-is-so-low-that-it-s-grounding-barges-disrupting-the-supply-chain-and-revealing-a-19th-century-shipwreck/ar-AA13bZiX?ocid=entnewsntp&pc=U531&cvid=bbeaf423b85944edaa1a71f73cc0adc6#interstitial=1

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The Americans took forever to make up their mind about what they wanted from Japan, because American never could figure out what it wanted from itself. Just look at the mess the Americans made of mass transport. It's even more fun in Japan, a strong union might constrain Japan, but then Japan might be useful against China, but then China might be useful against the USSR. What a mess.

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